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Electronic music

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking

Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take […]

today27 Marzo 2020 309 29 16

Electronic music

4 Questions About The Music Industry You Should NOT Be Asking

Chances are, you are already ruining your potential to succeed in the music industry because you believe in one or more music career myths. How do I know? I am sent e-mail messages on a constant basis by tons of musicians (all seeking the answers to the WRONG questions). These are questions that may seem like good questions on the top level, but are really highly damaging questions that take […]

today27 Marzo 2020 308 29 16

Salerno e Provincia

Olevano sul Tusciano. Le Ultime disposizioni del sindaco, dr. Michele Volzone.

Ieri, giovedì 26 marzo 2020, il sindaco di Olevano sul Tusciano, dr. Michele Volzone, ha trasmesso un comunicato alla cittadinanza circa il comportamento anti coronavirus. Il sindaco ha annunciato un nuovo percorso di formazione bisettimanale per la cittadinanza, istituito dell’amministrazione comunale, inaugurando personalmente la prima sessione nella data di ieri. In seguito, la cittadinanza sarà informata dal Centro Operativo Comunale (C.O.C.), e dal delegato della Protezione Civile, Giovanni Olivia. Il […]

today27 Marzo 2020

Salerno e Provincia


Emergenza Covid-19, Uil Fpl Salerno in pressing sui manager di Asl provinciale e azienda “Ruggi” per attuare le misure in materia di contenimento del virus. “Stiamo attraversando un periodo critico nelle nostra Provincia di Salerno, a causa dell’emergenza Covid-19 - hanno spiegato i vertici del sindacato -. Tutti i lavoratori sono estremamente preoccupati sia per le proprie famiglie, per loro stessi e per le persone accudiscono nelle varie realtà della […]

today26 Marzo 2020



  (museo egizio di torino) #Iorestoacasa oltre ad essere diventato l'hashtag più usato sui social, è innanzitutto un monito che tutti dobbiamo seguire. Da personaggi famosi a gente comune, ognuno contribuisce a rendere più sopportabile lo scorrere del tempo: sembra che però, fra le varie distrazioni, la più gettonata sia la cucina, con post di piatti davvero invitanti. Restare a casa è un obbligo e un dovere verso chi sta […]

today26 Marzo 2020

Video stories

Living in New York as a musician of the Opera’s Grand Theatre Multiple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other fields? The connection isn’t a coincidence. I know because I asked. I put the question to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of whom had serious (if often little-known) past lives as musicians. Almost all made a connection between […]

today26 Marzo 2020 135 2

Video stories

Living in New York as a musician of the Opera’s Grand Theatre Multiple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other fields? The connection isn’t a coincidence. I know because I asked. I put the question to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of whom had serious (if often little-known) past lives as musicians. Almost all made a connection between […]

today26 Marzo 2020 134 2

Video stories

Living in New York as a musician of the Opera’s Grand Theatre Multiple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other fields? The connection isn’t a coincidence. I know because I asked. I put the question to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of whom had serious (if often little-known) past lives as musicians. Almost all made a connection between […]

today26 Marzo 2020 134 2

Video stories

Living in New York as a musician of the Opera’s Grand Theatre Multiple studies link music study to academic achievement. But what is it about serious music training that seems to correlate with outsize success in other fields? The connection isn’t a coincidence. I know because I asked. I put the question to top-flight professionals in industries from tech to finance to media, all of whom had serious (if often little-known) past lives as musicians. Almost all made a connection between […]

today26 Marzo 2020 135 2 è un progetto editoriale di Radio Città 105.
Giornale On-Line iscritto al Tribunale di Salerno numero cronologico 6/2024 del 01/02/2024 RG n 194/2024